Since the October 7th terror attack, Israel has been scrutinized for its effort to defend itself. Israel faces accusations of committing atrocities after being attacked on its soil, losing more than 1,000 Israelis in an act of horrific terrorism. It is essential that we support Israel through its war with Hamas.

The United Nations recently adopted a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, a vote the United States abstained from. The safety of civilians in a time of war is extremely important, but it is necessary to understand that the war Israel is engaged in is not on the Palestinian people. Hamas consistently puts their citizens in danger. Israel uses its weapons to defend its people, Hamas uses their people to defend their weapons. They headquarter in hospitals, steal provisions from families in need, and hide amongst the innocent to avoid the very conflict that they themselves started five months ago. Not only do they have little respect for their own people, but they also have made it clear that they will not recognize Israel as a legitimate state and wish to rid the land of the Jewish people.

In order to assist our ally, I am co-leading the United States-Israel Anti-Tunnel Act, to locate and dismantle the tunnels Hamas has been using to terrorize the people of Israel. This will not only ensure the security of the Israeli people, but it will also establish similar capabilities in the United States to counter the same tactics being used at our southern border. The ability for terrorists to travel into Israel unseen makes them a much larger threat. I will not abandon America's strongest ally in their time of need. Make no mistake, Israel will prevail.


Doug Lamborn

Member of Congress