All of us End Times Bible prophecy “experts” have wondered for quite some time now when God Almighty is going to pull the plug to drain the world's Swamplands and separate the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats and the fires from the rains!
Is He going to have to make California and Los Angeles in particular His sacrificial scapegoat?
Is God now ready, willing and able to separate His Truth believing Church from the Tribulation world of death and destruction, artificial reality and instant gratification?
How many more warning signs do we need before that separation is finally finalized?
The out of control wildfires engulfing metro Los Angeles that have already destroyed hundreds of homes and structures and several lives is just another sure sign that God's end times judgments are proliferating throughout the earth.
The world's “news” simply now can't keep up with itself with so many outbreaks of chaos, confusion and mayhem wherever and whenever you look.
Can anyone see clearly anymore through all that smoke and fog
Spiritually reborn children of God know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is very soon either going to protect us from all these end times signs or lift us “out of here.”
Whether it's fires, severe weather, wars and rumors of wars, I believe God is now telling Satan the Devil that he has been “fired” and will soon be terminated as the God of this earth so He can redeem and restore it when His only begotten Son Jesus Christ descends from His third Heaven throne into Second Heaven clouds.
Satan's world wide web of internet clouds that he has electronically used since the invention of computers will then evaporate into thin air unless there is a better explanation out there I haven't read in God's Word, the Bible.
We know President Trump is going to begin to clean house and drain the swamps created by all radical Demoncrats beginning at his Jan. 20 inauguration.
California Gov. Gruesome Newsome like it hot has to be one of the first swamp rats and talking serpents to fall off the Golden Gate Bridge into California's quagmire of corruption and mismanagement.
When Trump cleans house can we now not believe that God will be right there alongside him with the Wicked Witch of the West's broom and dustpan?
Once God and His anointed “David” as YouTube prophet Julie Green likes to call Trump finish making their house calls to mop up all the interlopers, maybe then Psalm 37 and Matthew 5 and 13 will usher in the meek inheriting the redeemed earth and Garden of Eden.
The Spirit of Alamo will then live on in America. A few had to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the rest of us being truly independent from tyranny and corruption.
Do you hear America's freedom bells ringing again?
Is our Statue of Liberty still there in New York Harbor?
Is our Star Spangled Banner still waving over Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor?
They all are still intact once God sends all the world's 10 horned, seven-headed tyrants and dictators where they all belong, Canadian dictator Trudeau being the latest to bite his dust.
They will all see only fires and smoke, chained up in their 10x10 cubicles with no water in sight to douse their flames.
Just access all those hundreds of YouTube documented cases of those people who have had near death our of body experiences who visited hell and witnessed first-hand who was actually there and why they condemned themselves with their lies, deceptions and hypocrisies.
They sold their souls to the Devil to gain fake fame and fortune and now Satan awaits their herded up longhorns.
“Vengeance and Justice are mine,” says the Lord.
It now seems like His Judge, Jury and Executioner have sentenced all evildoers to jail without parole and without passing GO and collecting their $2.
To put it another way, Jesus is the jury that has found Satan guilty of all charges, God is the judge who has sentenced him to Lake of Fire Hell and the Holy Spirit will now execute God's judgments.
Enough rainwater will always extinguish any fires the devil erupts.
But is there enough stored water to douse all those LA wildfires?
If not, then what happens if earthquake prone California splits in half after “The Big One?”