“Should not this daughter of Abraham here who has been in bondage of Satan for 18 years have been released from her shackles on the Sabbath?”
It would certainly seem that the Sabbath day would be the perfect day to heal and free from ailments and sins. Jesus was following the Spirit rather than the letter of the law.
The letter of the law has led many throughout history to persecute, ridicule, torture and even kill others who do not fit a particular mold or set of beliefs.
This must sadden the heart of Jesus. He loves unconditionally and heals regardless of the day, the circumstances and of what others may say or think. He also knew their thoughts and ours too.
I pray that we will not be fooled by the deceptions of the evil one to judge, hate or be cruel to others because of differing beliefs. I also pray that they will not judge us because of our sincerely held beliefs.
May we always take the time to ask the Lord what he would do and then have the courage and conviction to follow his direction.
Originally published Jan. 13, 2017.