After four years of Demoncrat inspired chaos, confusion, ineptitude, corruption, lies and deceptions, the day all spiritually born again Truth believers who now have hope that Happy Days are here again is now upon us.
President Donald John Trump will take his oath of office Monday, Jan. 20, barring any more demonic nurtured catastrophes and calamities and assassination attempts.
It will then be time to clean up all the Demoncrats left behind messes, time to drain their swamps and quagmires and to use the Wizard of Oz's Wicked Witch of the West's broom to sweep up their dirty laundry floors and douse all their fires and flames.
They were all created by Demoncrats and RINOs total mismanagement of America's storehouse of natural resources and shredding of our beloved Constitution.
Many radical lefties who caused most of these messes are leaving the country or threatening to do so.
If they do, it's good riddance to bad rubbish!
If you don't want to make America great again or prefer that we become a Third World socialist state which the obviously corrupt Biden Administration did everything they could to ensure, then you're going to get what you deserve and you will deserve what you're going to get and much more!
What you're going to get is God Almighty's wrath and judgments.
Anyone who thinks the LA fires are not God's judgements on a city of dark angels founded on artificial reality and instant gratification is living in LaLa land and has lost all touch with reality.
Hollywood mocked God at its recent Golden Globes ceremonies full of liberal fake reality creationists.
Now their lack of not knowing the truth has evolved into the consequences of nothing but burned out million dollar ashes.
Hollywood and its surrounding environs are going up in smoke and we're all asking why.
Could it be that most of their movies and TV shows have turned into R and X-rated cesspools of vulgar language, woke plots honoring homosexuality and other perversions and recycling of the same tired old plots?
Who wants to pay $10 a ticket to watch and hear all that artificial reality crap anymore?
Give me a John Wayne video to watch on my TV every time. I think the Duke and his films are just as popular now as they were when he was making them.
It should be obvious to anyone still capable of logic and common sense truths by now that we have been in an Ephesians Ch. 6 spiritual warfare that end times Bible prophecies say have to end with the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The earth is now burning and freezing, creaking with earthquakes and wars and rumors of wars, tornados, hurricanes volcanic eruptions, lots of dollars loving greed in very high places and murders and mayhem, all setting the stage for antichrist world rulership.
We're now exactly where Jesus said we would be when His disciples asked him in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 17 and 21 what would be the signs of the end of the age.
We Christians of this past 70-year generation have all been asking ourselves with each passing year how much worse can it get before Jesus comes to redeem His Truth Church?
I know I have really been guilty of trying to predict when Jesus would finally “rapture” His Word of Truth believers who repented of their sins.
I am a 47-year Bible student scholar who continues to study its numerology and interpretations of all end times signs we're witnessing in today's chaotic world of death and destruction.
One number that keeps popping up in my recent studies and observations is the number 120.
After Noah's Ark flood, God assigned that number as a limitation to man's age instead of the 400 to 900 years many humans lived to before the judgment flood
His deliverer Moses lived to be exactly 120 years old and was 80 when he led God's chosen people out of Egyptian bondage.
God uses the number 40 throughout the Bible as wilderness testing times for most humans like the 40 days it rained on the earth, the 40 days Moses experienced God on top of Mt. Sinai and the 40 days Jesus walked in the Wilderness before beginning His ministry.
The fleeing Israelites were lost in the Wilderness 40 years and all but Joshua and Caleb died along the way to the Promised Land.
So 40 x 3 equals 120.
Here is where it gets VERY INTERESTING!
Monday, Jan. 20 is the 1-20. If you add 20+25+20+1 you get 66
How many books are there in the Bible?
So Trump's Monday inauguration may not just be the beginning of renewed love, joy, peace and tranquility throughout the land.
Could it be the same day we'll be seeing Jesus coming in the clouds for His Truth believers?
And is this scenario then the fulfillment of Psalm 37, which says we will also see the departure and vanishing of the wicked from the redeemed earth?
In other words, they have to leave before we do.
Draw your own conclusions!