Dr. Leona Wen, President of Planned Parenthood was on CNN and seemed troubled about opening up the country before tying it to people's acceptance of the Covid vaccine. She wondered what “carrot” could be used to coerce us into compliance if we were allowed to go back to normal too soon. She's plainly telling us they're after total power and control.

Do you remember the business that gave people donuts to persuade them to get the shot? Global “elite” manipulators can't bear to see the sheep get back to normal life without their permission, so they try every possible deception, threat or persuasion to bring us into submission. It's gone from two weeks to flatten the curve to more than a year of tyrannical orders causing total disruption of our lives. Now they demand we submit to injections with a synthetic pathogen which has not been tested as vaccines should be tested.

My understanding is that it is approved only for emergency use, and news media seems to be the ones pushing it the most. Since when are they the experts on medical matters? We're threatened that if we choose not to take the shot we won't be able to take public transportation and eventually be isolated to the point we cannot buy food or have any sort of normal life. The “overlords” will tell us what privileges they will bestow on us if we are good sheep. They will tell us where we can go, who we can see, where we can eat, whether we can be inside or outside and how many family members we can visit. Never mind that severe adverse events and thousands of deaths result after these injections. Remember that population control is one goal of these monsters, although not by any means the only one. China has a tyrannical grip on surveillance of its population, and its human rights abuses are legendary. Do we want these abuses to take over this country?

No! No! And triple No! It's past time we called on every person with common sense and especially those in positions of authority to stand up and call an end to the madness that has gripped this country in what feels like a death roll. Demonic power grabs by deceptions, delusions, confusion and fear has awakened a nation which has seemed to be sleep walking while our freedoms are eroded at a frightening accelerated pace. Global powers, the invisible enemy, along with the Democrat Party, RINOs, educational institutions, corporations, branches of science, medicine and others are either under demonic deception or agree with the dark agenda being forced on our people.

Legislators, governors, mayors, all branches of law enforcement, churches, educators, attorneys and anyone in a position to fight against this tyranny must unite to stop the Satanic attack against our values and freedoms. The Biden/Harris coup, by its very nature is an abomination and should never be recognized by an informed public. Their evil drive to reverse President Trump's good policies and safety measures have led to devastating losses of businesses, jobs, and lives. Miserable conditions at the border are a grim reminder of the human toll Biden's policies have taken. He and his cronies' obstinate refusal to address the crisis they have caused allows children to be abused. Some are telling horrific stories.

The Biden Cabal has not only usurped authority by treason and insurrection, but appears to be guilty of crimes against humanity. They are aiding and abetting crimes of cartels in drug and sex trafficking. A reporter was able to access the “forbidden” underground area under a bridge between Mexico and Texas. He related how the Cartel would be paid first before the migrants were allowed to cross into Texas. There they were processed, given papers for court hearings in months or years, then released. Some were bused into McAllen, Texas. Who knows what happens from there?

Pinocchio Joe has lied so often, we can't trust him or his handlers. This charade can't continue much longer. He and his cohorts must be held accountable for their crimes. Let's hope and pray the American people are wide awake and ready to fight this spiritual battle for the very survival of the nation. There's no doubt we must put on the whole armor of God. Ultimately, God Almighty will prevail and the glory goes to Him and not man. Created beings who exalt themselves will never win the final war. Just as when the Lord instructed Joshua to send trumpeters and seven priests to march around Jericho seven times before the walls fell, I believe he sends prayer warriors first and then other means to complete the mission. See Joshua 6.