No way! America is not an evil racist country. Our new Socialist/Communist rogue government has wasted no time painting our nation with the broad brush of divisive hatred and ugly untruths. America is, in fact, the only nation on this earth to be founded as “one nation under God.” The mostly white Christian men and women hailing from England were in search of a land where they could praise their 'God' in their own way. A land where they could raise their children in freedom teaching them to have faith in God and the wisdom to be independent thinkers.

Were black men and native Americans harmed? Yes, no one denies that fact. However, some of the slaves that wound up here in America were sold to the slave traders by other tribes in Africa, others were simply shanghaied and forced into slavery by greedy men. Were they white men? Some but not all of them were. If you do your research, you will find that some of these men came from Spain, and other nations around the world. Greed is not reserved for only one people; numerous humans of all races can be and are infected by the evil grip of greed.

America is and always will be a nation that believes in liberty and justice for all. Americans understand that all men are created equal. That is why the bloodiest war in our history was fought here on American soil, pitting brother against brother and son against father. Christian white men knew that slavery was an evil that had to be abolished no matter the cost. As the Civil War progressed, many free black men joined in and helped to end this unspeakable sin. White and Black men stood together as brothers to begin to heal the wrongs that had been done. The journey has been long and has endured setbacks along the way. Nothing, however, could stand against the healing that had began to take place in America, home to peoples of all colors and believes.

Educational, employment, housing and non-discrimination policies have been instituted, helping the black man to gain a more balanced playing field. Black men and women along with peoples of many ethnic backgrounds have found a place of equality in America. Black people have gained a footing in business and government positions. Dr. Ben Carson, a man of color, is one of the most renowned surgeons in the world and also served as HUD director. Former President of the United States is also a man of color as is Kamala Harris. Our congress is very diverse, boasting people from many backgrounds. Some have even been able to swear in by placing their hand on the Koran instead of the Bible. We are all Americans and one day we will all be colorblind: no more black, brown, white, etc. etc. Just American.

Now we as Americans find ourselves at a crossroad. The path of division and hatred will lead to the destruction of this great free nation; the path of unity, love and Christian values leads to an even greater America than any of us has envisioned. Just as our forefathers have fought to preserve this “land of the free because of the brave,” the patriots of today must be prepared to safeguard and preserve this nation for the next generation of Americans; our children. Will we be required to take up arms and fight? Maybe, but we have not reached that dire place, yet. We must, however, take a forceful stand on the matter of reclaiming our children. For too many years, even decades, we parents have allowed our role as parents to be usurped by institutionalized entities like the government. Teacher' Unions that are held captive by the almighty dollar not God's word have gained control of our American Public Education system. Our little ones and not so little ones are being indoctrinated in the ways of hate. Taught to hate their country, flag, parents and even themselves.

No wonder we now rank #37 in math and fall way behind other nations in all the STEM courses. Necessary instruction is no longer deemed a priority in our classrooms. The teaching of vital skills are being sacrificed to the racists teachings of the communist led government. It seems that all of our young children must be told that they need not be a girl or boy just because their biological body falls into one or the other categories. Indoctrination in LBGTQ is now deemed to be the responsibility of the public education system Parents are not even being informed in most instances when an innocent child is being told by his or her teacher that the parents need not be informed. Really, is this what you pay taxes for? Is it alright with you as parents if your child is being taught to judge others by the color of their skin?

Parents and grandparents the time has come. We must take our children back. Time to rise up like the mama bear when her cubs are in danger. Attend your local school board meeting and demand to know what curriculum is being served up for your child. Demand that the school return to teaching academics. Remind them it is their responsibility to prepare students to succeed in this ever-changing world. It is not their place to indoctrinate our children in political or religious matters. Let them know you will not tolerate the teaching of hatred and divisiveness.

Psalm 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”