I've been hearing from news reports and other sources how liberal professors are threatening students that challenges to their radical political views will affect grades. This kind of bullying can affect a person's entire life. A physical confrontation or a black eye will heal quickly, but this type of damage can last a lifetime. Why aren't perpetrators of this abuse be held accountable for the harm they do to young minds? Why should kids be forced to agree with teachers who promote lies about racism, global warming or other matters of personal belief or spirituality?

I see nothing about the Green New Deal hoax that has any merit, yet it's endlessly promoted by radical leftists and supported by more Democrats than ever. It seems, common sense is out the window and politicians agree just to get along and hope constituents are stupid enough to re-elect them anyway. O'Biden is telling our military that our biggest challenge is climate change/global warming. Who does he think he's fooling? We have global warming every summer. Arrogance in the political and so called scientific community is appalling. They only look at what happened the last 100 years, but this is like looking on one speck on a piece of paper.

Teachers are pushing racism on our kids, warning them about feeling and thoughts they would not even have considered unless it was forced on them. Using the color of your skin to cripple confidence in your ability to achieve success is cruel and evil at its core. It has the potential to ruin many young lives, and for what? It may cause some kids to just give up and wonder what's the use of trying when I'll fail any way? From my own experience, I didn't do well in school. I wasn't interested in what the teacher was saying, but as a young boy helping my Dad on the farm, I was constantly thinking of ways I could improve farm equipment we were using. In my mind, I was studying how it was made, why it was made that way and how I could make it run quieter and work better. All that planning eventually led me to develop many different types of equipment which led to making a good living running my own business. Over the years, I was told that I could never do certain things because they were way too complicated. I just said “get out of my way” and did it anyway. It's how I grew my business.

In Washington State, they'll give you free marijuana if you take the Covid jab. Why not give free alcohol to alcoholics or cocaine or meth to drug addicts? How about free shopping sprees to hoarders? There's even the million dollar lottery. How many people have to die before these ghouls are satisfied with the numbers of painful deaths from the second wave of this evil Covid bio-weapon injection? I realize the goal is population control, because now they are aiming for kids. Hundreds of miscarriages are already reported, and there's grave concern it will cause infertility. They've taken a huge toll on the elderly already. I hope lawsuits will come quickly to stop this killer agenda. Mind control is an ugly thing, and we're seeing it right now. People are even convinced they need the shot after they've had the disease. Information is out there to learn, but how many actually search for it? Please do not look for it on Google or most of the media as the media is grossly paid to lie and distort facts. If you love your family and care about future generations, please take time to learn the truth. It will come out, but will be too late for some.

Secular critical race theory is dangerous and harmful. What's wrong with teaching God's word of forgiveness and love for our neighbor? We need healing, unity and peace, not division and hate. Color of skin does not matter. Ignorance and evil as well as brilliance and virtue come in all colors. You cannot judge all white people by looking at Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden or Jerry Nadler. There are many white people who are wonderful examples of kindness, compassion and virtue. Many black people are a great credit to their race. We love to see and hear people like Candace Owens, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and Leo Terrell. Character is the criteria we go by, not color of skin. There's hope for all mankind as we're all made in the image and likeness of God. He gives life; it's up to us to live it well.