This question is bouncing around the political world as we speak and it really depends on the political party you belong to. If you are a Democrat, the crisis is that Donald Trump won't stand down and quit running for office. The belief is he is responsible for starting an insurrection, charged with sexual harassment, falsifying business records and trying to invalidate the 2020 election. Such a man cannot run for office they conclude and he must be taken off the 2024 Presidential Campaign!
If you are a Republican, the issue is that Kamala Harris was allowed to become the Democrat presidential candidate without going through a primary. When Joe Biden's cognitive issues became apparent and he resigned from the race, Kamala became their new candidate for office.
Constitutionally, a similar situation occurred when John Tyler became the tenth President of the United States (1841-1845) when President William Henry Harrison died in April 1841. He was the first Vice President to succeed to the Presidency after the death of his predecessor. Many members of the House and Senate believed that the Vice President's office was to temporarily hold the office until a new President could be elected. It was not until the 25th Amendment was ratified in 1967 was the succession issue settled for good.
There are many Americans, both Democrat and Republican that believe that Joe Biden was never going to run for President in 2024, but the Democrat Elite needed for Biden to run, win the Democrat Primary, then step down so they could appoint Kamala Harris as their candidate since she would never have survived a primary as evidenced by her disastrous run for President in 2020. This was also evidenced by refusing Robert Kennedy Jr. a place in the Democrat Primary, allowing Joe Biden to run unopposed.
The other Republican issue has to do with Lawfare. Lawfare is defined as the use of legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter an individual's usage of their legal rights. The term may refer to the use of legal systems and principles against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, wasting their time and money, or winning a public relations victory. Alternatively, it may describe a tactic used by repressive regimes to label and discourage civil society or individuals from claiming their legal rights via national or international legal systems. This is especially common in situations when individuals and civil society use nonviolent methods to highlight or oppose discrimination, persecution, corruption, lack of democracy, limiting freedom of speech, violations of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law.
For the first time in our nation's history, Lawfare is being used to deter a Presidential Candidate from running for office. Four separate trials have been set up in New York, Washington, DC; Florida and Georgia and are in various stages of development. These cases on their face lack legitimacy and according to most legal scholars will not survive when they are scrutinized in Federal Court. (See People versus Weinstein, 2024).
By charging Trump with multiple felonies across four states, the Democrat litigators hope to discredit him enough to sway voters from voting for him. According to the most recent polls, this tactic is failing and might even be helping Trump win his reelection.
This leads me back to the original question, are we in a Constitutional Crisis? Where we are at is similar to a group of people watching a mountain avalanche from afar. We are seeing tons of snow falling toward an alpine village, but we cannot predict any damage because the snow has not reached the village yet. I personally believe that the Constitution has been bent and stretched over the last 20 months, but any damage will not be apparent until after the 2024 elections are completed. After the election, the Constitution will be able to bounce back and precedents will be written so these crises can never be used again.