Some things just need to be honestly address. I recently saw an interview with an illegal immigrant from California. He said that if he had $300, he would get all the fake paperwork he needed to get a driver's license, passport, voter ID, which could then allow him access to food stamps, welfare, healthcare and many other entitlements.

They know they just have to keep the Democrats in power to keep the perks flowing. That way the hardworking Americans could pay for whatever benefits for which they applied. With all that free stuff, it becomes easy to stay in government housing, play games, smoke pot or lay at the beach. Entitlements become a way of life for some and they become parasites with no pride in their ability to earn their own living. Don't get me wrong on this. I firmly believe in helping those who truly need help, but way too many have gamed this system and don't seem to want to change.

There is much talk about crowd size at the inauguration. If President Trump had a smaller crowd, it may very well have been because many of the working poor and middle class were unable to afford the trip or could not come due to working and keeping their jobs. There is a great difference in time available between those who work and those who live on the work of others.

Jane Fonda at the Women's March was so upset. Does anyone care? Does she deserve any credibility after seeing what she did to harm our servicemen in Vietnam? She lives in her own fantasy world along with the rest of the Hollywood crowd.

I've been asked why I am bringing up election fraud now after President Trump won handily. I had stated during the election process that Mr. Trump would have to overwhelm all the forces coming against him and there were many --- the Clinton machine, the billionaire George Soros, the news media and the throngs of other liars and criers. He did, to the consternation of them all. Jaws and tears are still on the floor.

We will have another election in two years. It's critical that we again have a legitimate and fair election. We must take names and remember those who refused to attend the inauguration and in so doing, caused more division in our country. They have damaged unity and again harmed the good citizens who simply wanted a better life for their families.

I'm tired of hearing that President Trump is so unpopular. What about the record crowds that came out day and night to hear him? He's doing what he promised, and I'm not surprised at the opposition of the left as they throw a tantrum like a 2-year-old when his candy is taken away. I have no sympathy. We carried them long enough.

Originally printed Feb. 3, 2017.

Editor's Note: The chances of election fraud is still very much to be concerned about. The Democrats cheated in 2020 so what's going to keep them from cheating this year? We need to pray for an honest election, especially now with the very liberal Democrats on the ballot. But we also need to vote this year to get them out of office. That's the only way we can turn this country around.