The middle-class is generally known for its self-reliance, independence, strong family and religious beliefs. They're enterprising, believe in property ownership and are willing to stand up for what is right. They respect the law, and work had to achieve their dreams. In recent years, these dreams have become much harder to achieve. We've lived it ourselves and have seen far too many business failures. What is happening?

We have seen increasing government interference, regulations, red tape and oppressive taxation to name a few problems. At the same time, there are far too many government programs giving unnecessary handouts which often serve to keep the poor continually poor and dependent instead of allowing them to take advantage of opportunities available to them to start their own businesses and take pride in their accomplishments. Instead they are constantly reminded of how they are oppressed and victimized, which gives them excuses to not even try to make life better for themselves and their families. When income rises through hard work, the middle-class is stronger. The government attacks on the middle-class are subtle, but make no mistake, they are intentional and deceptive. I know this sounds sinister, and it is, so let me explain.

The driving agenda of these attacks is to build a global government ruled by elite, with the rest basically slaves to them … a two-class system. A strong middle-class stands in the way. Do you remember President Obama reminding us that he was a citizen of the world, and America was no longer a Christian nation? We didn't like that a bit.

In the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, we see that the primary programs squeezing the middle-class were promoted more than 150-years ago, to create two classes, a ruling class and slaves. Marx and Engels' advice was to wrest by degrees all capital from the middle class, and centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state. What have we seen our government doing the past eight years? Marx and Engels were hired to develop this manifesto for world socialist revolution by a group of rich sponsors called the League of Just Men later renamed the Communist League.

Wealthy insiders worked for decades to achieve their ends. There are 10 so-called planks of the manifesto. We will mention two at this time. (1. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. It took a long time to push this through because it was considered unconstitutional, but they finally managed it in 1913 with the 16th amendment. (2. The centralization of credit, the Federal Reserve was sold to the public as a “soak the rich scheme.” Sound familiar? Wealthy insiders promoted the plan and protected their wealth in shelters and foundations. Hmm what have we heard about the Clinton Foundation lately? The real tax burden always fall on the middle class.

There is hope on the horizon. We have leaders who are wise to past abuses of our citizens, and are willing to make needed changes. Let's stand strong together, support and pray for them.

Editor's Note: Since this was originally printed March 17, 2017, the last paragraph is not about the current administration.