In December, the John C. Fremont library won't be too busy! Here is what we have going on.
The Friends of the Library Christmas Auction will continue until Monday, Dec. 9. The auction will end at noon, so if anyone really wants something from the auction they need to make sure they put in a bid before it ends.
The Board of Trustees Meeting will begin at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10. It is open to the public.
The library will be closed Dec. 24, Dec. 25 and Dec. 31.
Adult Programs:
On Friday, Dec. 6, the Canon City Workforce Center will be at the library from 11 AM to 1 PM to answer any career related or job search questions.
On Thursday, Dec. 12, Marty Lamm from the Florence Pioneer Museum will present “Florence Trains” about local train history at 2 p.m.
The library recently obtained a Narcan Kiosk that has Narcan available to take for free so there will be Narcan training at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18 with the Fremont County Department of Health.
On Monday, Dec. 23, staff will have a Matinee Movie Monday at 2 p.m. “A Christmas Story” will be aired. Popcorn is provided, but moviegoers are encouraged to bring their own drinks.