What do you suppose is the next target Biden's handlers will try to destroy? I wouldn't be surprised if they went after all coal fired power plants. That would create a power shortage which would make liberals happy. They could brag about saving the environment while everyone sat in cold, dark houses. The next step would be to find a way to blame Trump for the mess they created. In my opinion, Biden is no different from Adolph Hitler or Saddam Hussein. They were more closely involved in their dirty work, but Biden does it from a distance using useful idiots, communist sympathizers and the strong arm militants of the Democrat party. He signs anything put in front of him and says whatever he is told to say. It doesn't matter to him how radical, anti-American or illegal his mandates, rules and regulations are or who is harmed by them. Thousands of citizens are disabled, sick, dying or have died from the forced mandates of the deadly inoculations. Still he continues to threaten and lie about its effects or effective treatments. Treatments which are proven and effective have been denied or suppressed in order to push the false narrative of a scary pandemic. If the truth was told about good treatment, the corrupt government and Big Pharma could not continue to use injections for emergency use as there would be no claim to an emergency. It would have been under control long ago.

What kind of reasoning could radical Democrats have to come up with silly conclusions? Maxine Waters was whining about a border patrol agent using a horse and reins to control an illegal migrant. I'd like to see her out there in the mud trying to manage an out of control crises brought on by none other than Biden's Democrat treasonous policies. Was she blind to the suffering, deaths and misery caused by her party? How about the brutality of the Taliban beheading two little boys 9 and 10-years-old or beating women to death in the streets for not wearing certain garments. I didn't hear a word from her about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and Americans, aid workers and others left to be brutalized. If she's so concerned about the lives of migrants over our sovereign nation, why not take a few hundred into her neighborhood or into her mansion. She has the money to take care of them. I'm tired of politicians like her being all mouth and no real solutions for anything.

Some politicians like to brag about their faith or display religious items to convince us they can be trusted because of their “faith.” The Bible tells us to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. Jesus rebuked those who were like whitewashed tombs, clean on the outside, but full of filth and dead man's bones on the inside. Words coming out of the mouths of political hacks are cheap, but actions tell true intentions.

Beware of all those who say one thing and do another. Sometimes “Biden” has a bust of John Kennedy behind him as if to convey a message that he believes the same things or has his integrity. That would be hypocritical as President Kennedy was a patriot and believed in America as an exceptional country. (Guess that's why they killed him.) He also wanted to get us back on the gold standard! The Cabal couldn't stand that. When Biden's handlers send out his double to speak for him, they seem to be getting a little sloppy as it becomes more obvious day by day. One day we may know who the puppeteers are, but one of their billionaires would be George Soros. The list is very long of the media, publications, militant groups and troublemakers he finances. He enjoys taking down countries and is known as the man who broke the Bank of England and destroyed the economy in Hungary. He would like to break this country too as he likes power. He enjoyed going with Eichmann rounding up his fellow Jews for the death camps. Why would anyone expect better of him here?

The military is also on Biden's hit list and many are fighting against getting the inoculation, threatened with mandates and harsh discipline if they don't comply. Biden is a puppet, and lot of folks seem to be enjoying the show. The evil coming forth has caused untold death and destruction around the world. This government has betrayed our trust, is the party of evil and leaves us under a dark cloud. The Bible tells of a time when the people shouted, “We have no king but Caesar.” People are deceived and when a spirit enters a crowd it's called crowd mentality and it only takes one to start a stampede. We must all stand against the evil forces. When we walk through heaven's open gates we can say “mission accomplished.”