The Reishi mushroom is an edible type of medicinal fungus that has been used for its healing abilities for thousands of years and fits the definition of a true superfood. These mushrooms are anti-inflammatory and tied to longevity, better immune function and mental clarity, earning them the nickname “king of mushrooms.”

Throughout history in holistic medicine, reishi mushrooms have been considered apoptogenic herbs. This means they help your body deal with the negative effects of stress, such as increased inflammation, depleted energy levels, damaged blood vessels and various types of hormonal imbalances. Studies have repeatedly shown that reishi mushrooms have antioxidant abilities that allow them to strengthen the body's defenses against cancer, autoimmune conditions, heart disease, allergies, infections and more.

Like other disease-fighting mushrooms, reishi mushrooms are a type of fungus that grow outdoors. They are native to several parts of Asia, including China, Korea and Japan. While they are edible and often described as bitter tasting with a tough texture, you are much more likely to find them in supplement, tincture or powder form.

Over the past several decades, dozens of different studies conducted in Japan, China, the United States and the U.K. have demonstrated that reishi mushrooms can offer protection against numerous diseases or illnesses, including:



-Frequent infections

-Liver disease

-Food allergies and asthma

-Digestive problems

-Tumor growth and cancer

-Skin disorders

-Autoimmune disorders



-Heart disease, hypertension

-Sleep disorders and insomnia

-Anxiety and depression

Because they work as an “immune modulator,” reishi mushrooms can help restore hormonal balance, bring the body back to homeostasis and regulate activity of the immune system.

One of the biggest reishi benefits is that it can do so much yet produces hardly any side effects. Reishi mushrooms are much less toxic that traditional medications as well. In fact, most people report a quick improvement is their energy levels, mental focus and mood while also experiencing a reduction in aches, pains, allergies, digestive issues and infections.

Recent findings suggest that reishi mushrooms can lower inflammation and increase the release of natural killer cells, which work to remove various types of mutated cells from the body. This makes the reishi mushroom ideal for preventing heart disease and working as a natural cancer treatment.

The triterpenes found in the reishi mushroom may have blood pressure lowering abilities as well as benefits for blood clotting and cholesterol. This is likely because they help lower inflammation within blood vessels, and arteries while also restoring hormonal balance. High blood pressure and high cholesterol can sometimes be caused by hormonal issues, including thyroid disorders or high amounts of stress. Reishi mushrooms help restore optimal hormonal levels to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Are mushrooms good for you? If you have ever had any doubts, look at any of the powerful nutrients found in any medicinal mushroom and you are bound to be a believer in the many health benefits of mushrooms.

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