Those of you who have read my articles in the Sangre De Cristo Sentinel and the Fremont County Crusader newspapers over the past several years know that I am a far-right die-hard Patriot and Conservative, who believes in God, Guns and your right to remain Free. I have sworn an oath to defend our Constitution on more than one occasion and I believe there are things worth dying for to preserve… Our Constitution is one of them for me.

All politicians on both sides of the aisle swear an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution, but we all know that most of them don't really mean that, they just spew lie after lie every time their lips start to move. I get so sick and tired of hearing those same politicians go on and on about our Democracy… sigh “and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all. Now I realize that I am just a dumb country boy, but Gee, I don't see the word democracy in there anywhere, do you? Just this past Tuesday night, I went down to our local Republican headquarters to listen and meet several candidates who are running for office and wishing to get on the ballot for this year's mid-term elections. When it got around to the prospective candidates who are campaigning for the brand-new U.S. House District number 7 for Colorado we had three candidates who made the journey to Cañon City on a very cold and snowy night. I salute all three of the gentlemen for braving the drive as it was no doubt a treacherous journey indeed. The new redistricting map for 2022 includes Fremont, Custer and Park Counties as well as several others up north.

In listening to all three of the candidates for the Republican nomination for the U.S. House Colorado 7th District, there was only one of them who spoke about protecting and restoring our Republic. The other two candidates in attendance were content to use that four-letter word democracy. Those two both lost my interest right then and there.

Erik Aadland pronounced Oddland, was the only candidate for CO District 7 who spoke about protecting and preserving our Republic. He spoke passionately about defending our Constitution and returning it to what our forefathers intended it to be for our great country. It was obvious that here was a man who had sworn an oath to defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic…. A man who had lived his entire life by that creed and a man who meant every word he was saying to the audience. A man with a transparent Ethos for all to see.

Erik served honorably in both Iraq and Afghanistan and he was part of the Brigade that captured that dirtbag Sadaam Hussein back in 2003. He served 10 years in the Army leaving service as a Captain after earning two bronze stars, one of which for Valor.

After getting out of the Army, Erik spent a decade working in the energy field and worked hard to help make our country Energy Independent under President Trump. He understands first-hand that Coloradoans are paying way too much for fuel and electricity under the failed idiot liberal policies of the weakling and fraudulently elected current resident in the white house, Biden. Going into the DC swamp is a dirty job that is full of pitfalls and evil corrupt people. We just can't keep electing RINOs and squishy Republicans to DC and expecting them to get a backbone and do the right thing for those of us back home or to protect our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

It takes someone who is a true Conservative, one who has lived his entire life by those principles and whose honor and word mean everything to him. Someone like Erik Aadland is who we need to send to Washington DC to represent us in the Colorado 7th Congressional District.

I had the chance to speak to Erik at length after he spoke to the local Republican Headquarters and I invited him to be on our Conservative Radio talk show, I also spoke to some of his staff Cindy Nordell, his Fremont County Coordinator, and Kathy Stroud, his campaign coordinator and scheduler and both of those ladies are very sharp and very well informed about the issues affecting our country. Both are true Patriots. My other two radio show anchors, JP and you can call him Roy, got the chance to interview Erik Aadland on our radio show on Thursday, Feb. 24 and our interview with him is up on our website for everyone to listen to.

We asked Erik some direct and tough questions and he gave us direct and tough answers just like I expected him to do. He didn't waffle about his feelings or his beliefs and I found that to be very refreshing for a politician. Of course, Erik isn't a politician; he is a hard-working family man who felt the call of duty to serve his country once again. Erik believes like many of us do, if you aren't part of the solution then you are part of the problem and Erik deserves our support so that he can be a part of our solution.

For those of you reading this who are Pro-2nd Amendment voters, Erik is a passionate defender of your God given 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, and he puts his money where his mouth is on this issue. For you proud Conservative 2nd Amendment supporters, Erik enjoys target shooting in multiple disciplines and Erik is also a proud member of the NRA.

My good friends and staunch patriots Ann Barthrop and George Gramlich, the editor and publisher of the excellent Conservative Newspaper the Sangre De Cristo Sentinel and I are going to host Erik Aadland at an upcoming Liberty Rocks Forum at Tony's pizza place in Silver Cliff on the third Thursday of March, the 17. This event begins at 6 p.m. and if you care about what is happening in your state and in your country, you should plan to be there to meet Erik Aadland and hear it for yourself. I encourage patriots to come down and listen to Erik talk about his ideas and what he stands for on March 17.

Readers can also hear Erik talk on Patriot State Radio as we interviewed Erik for around 35 minutes on February 24, and everyone who wants to hear our interview with Erik can go to: to listen to what Erik stands for so you can make an informed choice of who deserves your vote in Colorado U.S. House District number 7. I am sure you will be impressed by Erik, I certainly was. Erik needs our support in the way of donations, volunteers and county coordinators so please go to his website, and get registered.