I will be honest. It is not a time for great optimism. We “lost” the presidential election due to massive fraud. That fraud was documented. It was taken to court, working its way up to the Supreme Court. This was appropriate based both on the concept of that being the court of last resort, and specifically there are certain specific cases that the Constitution (remember that) say go directly to the Supreme Court.

It is key that in all the lower court cases, not one was decided based on examination of the evidence of fraud, or of violation of election laws, or of violation of specific clauses of the Federal Constitution. Each case was decided purely procedurally and technically, as in the court saying “I don't want to talk about it.”

When the cases reached the Supreme Court they were turned down without hearing any evidence based on the facts. In the cases where the complaints were filed while counting was still going on that it was ruled to be premature even though thousands of blatantly false ballots were shown being counted and intermixed and the courts ruled that no case should be filed until the count was complete. After the counts were completed, but the Electoral Votes had not been read in the Congress, the Supreme Court declined on the basis of there not being enough time between the popular vote count and the formal Electoral Vote count to hear a case. After the Electoral Votes had been counted, the Court ruled that it was too late to do anything about it.

While the corruption of the Judicial system is a major enabler of the fraud, it does not get the entire blame. This is not the only time in the 234 years our Constitution was in force where the results of a presidential election were disputed. In 1876, Democrat Samuel J. Tilden ran against Republican Rutherford B. Hayes. There were contested states, contested vote totals, and competing sets of Electors sending their Electoral Votes to Congress. Neither had enough Electoral Votes to win. The decision as to who had won the Presidency was not made until two days before the Inauguration . . . of President Hayes. But it was made openly and publicly according to the rules.

Not surprisingly, there is a procedure when the Electoral Votes are contested. Any member of the House or the Senate can raise an objection to a state's electoral vote allocation, and lo' and behold; Congress has to vote by state on which way the Electoral Votes go. More than a dozen “Republican” members of Congress and Vice President Pence promised to raise those objections. The reason that you do not remember a bunch of votes to determine who had won which state is because every single one of those (expletives deleted) lied and none raised any objections. Lesson to be learned: When faced with a choice between their friends the Democrats and the Constitution, Republicans in DC will support their friends.

My lack of optimism, noted above, comes from the decision on Monday, March 8([today being Wednesday March 10) to not hear the last case filed by President Trump. No reason was given, just that they would not hear the case after it had been put on the list of cases they were considering.

We know that the election process is now fraudulent. And the fraud will be made permanent and universal if/when the Democrats push through H.R. 1, which eliminates any checks on election fraud. (That will be worth an entire separate article if it appears about to pass, assuming we have not all been arrested for 'wrongthink' before then.) We know that the court system will not challenge or even hear any cases involving Democrat election fraud. And indeed, we know that once beaten down on that issue that they cannot be trusted to rule according to laws or the Constitution in any case.

We are not going to be saved by lawyers, because the entire legal/judicial system has been totally corrupted.

So no, I am not optimistic. But there are still things that can be done before we are forced to resort to Karl von Clausewitz' famous quote: “Der Krieg ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln.”

Colorado has an unusual provision in its state Constitution. The County Sheriff is defined as the chief law enforcement authority in the County. All local police operate under his/her control and authority, AND State law enforcement operates at his/her sufferance. The County Sheriff can control what local LEO's do, which is why it is the norm to have local police and state officers in the County carry reserve commissions as Deputy Sheriffs to simplify command and control. This also holds to some extent against Federal authorities. I have seen it happen. Long, long ago when the world was new TEA Party chapters from around the state gathered in Custer County for their Fourth of July Parade. The Parade was led by the Custer County Sheriff, who was joined by five other Sheriffs from around the state. It was explicitly stated from the beginning that the Parade participants could march armed, so long as the weapons were not loaded. Mind you, all of us had ammunition at hand. And a lot of us participants were Commissioned Peace Officers of the State of Colorado.

The few local Leftists in Westcliffe, when they got done having litters of kittens, crosswise, over the concept of patriots carrying guns; called the FBI to report the Second Amendment was being followed and demand that people be arrested.

The FBI was reported to have threatened to send people. I was given to understand that the Custer County Sheriff advised the FBI that with six County Sheriffs, and his deputies on hand, any crimes committed could be handled without an FBI presence, which would not be welcomed. The FBI did not interfere with our parade.

Anyway, our unique situation gives us a chance to fight for Liberty. I recently heard a talk by Chris Bryson of Custer County. He has been a warrior for our country both overseas and here at home. In the short time span of six weeks, SIX FREAKING WEEKS, he has convinced the Custer County Commissioners (the only ones who can command the County Sheriff) to pass two Resolutions directing the Custer County Sheriff to defend the rights of Custer County's citizens from unconstitutional usurpations of their rights. The first Resolution, No. 21-03 focuses on the Second Amendment. The second Resolution, No. 21-05 declares Custer County to be a “Constitutional Preservation County” and directs the Sheriff to defend the gamut of constitutional rights of its citizens. Below are copies of the Resolutions.