Whether we're looking up in the sky for divine signs or coloring our Easter eggs down here as we did for Easter Sunday, our viewpoints should now all converge on all the signs of our times.

So much hoopla is being made this past bad and good news week over all the signs of the times.

The world and God's Word will experience and survive Monday's very rare Solar Eclipse concentrating and concluding onto Texas.

We saw and so far have survived the death of one of Iran's top terrorist commanders on April Fool's Day, Bluto Biden's declaration of transgender recognition on Christians most holy day of the year, his ban on coloring or writing on White House Easter eggs with anything symbolic of our faith and Taiwan so far surviving and recovering from a devastating 7.4 magnitude earthquake.

Reported Chinese war planes and ships circling the island aren't there to assess the damage. Is a weakened country now primed for an all-out terror attack by the symbolic Red Dragon of Revelation 12?

Is a common thread tying all these events together telling all of us to look up, for our redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21 vs. 27-28)?

In last week's column, I wrote about all the Biblical prophesized end times signs that now seem to be converging during April of our Gregorian calendar and the Jewish or Hebrew calendar that traditionally began March 1 instead of our Jan. 1.

We spiritually born-again Gentiles and converted Jews celebrated Easter Sunday, March 31.

But those Jews who have never accepted Jesus as their true Messiah and are still locked into their Old Testament beliefs, will celebrate Passover on Tuesday, April 23.

That's three days after all the world's Satanists will have celebrated their master's birthday and one of the world's most historic evil man's birthday, Adolf Hitler, on Sunday, April 20.

God Almighty will very soon surely judge bumbling Biden's blasphemous act to declare Easter Sunday as Transgender Recognition Day.

As for his Easter Egg ban on Christian symbols, Humpty Dumpty Biden is also headed for a great fall off the proverbial cliff.

Israel's removal of Iran's evil commander and several of his Damascus henchmen will surely escalate the Middle East war as we all wait for Iran's declared retribution response.

We're also waiting to see if Red Chinese war mongers are going to do more than just threaten a weakened Taiwan.

Loose Cannon Putrid Putin also continues to threaten his adversaries with nuclear warfare while his troops are now camped outside Israel's northern border in Syria.

Has Putrid not learned anything from the ISIS Moscow theater terror attack that radical Muslims also consider all non-believing Russians to also be enemies to their attempted world domination?

So let's analyze Monday's Solar Eclipse to see if the temporary darkened sun is God's final symbolic sign to us of His imminent Book of Revelation judgments.

All unconverted Muslims worship Allah, the Moon God and Mohammad, his false prophet.

As we gazed at this week's sliver of the moon, we saw the sign of Muslim symbolism.

So, for all you moon eclipse gazers who are going to great lengths Monday afternoon to see that moon blot out our sun for 4-5 minutes, what could be the symbolic significance of that rare and historic event?

I believe God is trying to tell all of us true believers NOT to look up at a darkened moon God is trying to completely cover the symbolic light of our world known as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I firmly believe His light will shine on all true born-again believers later this month, very possibly three days AFTER God's chosen people and race celebrate their Tuesday, April 23 Passover by appearing to us on Friday, April 26.

The numerical alphabetical value of the name God is 26. So that conclusion makes sense.

Jesus died on His cross and was buried on the Friday before Passover on the original Sabbath Day of Saturday when His body was still in its tomb.

He was resurrected from His tomb on Sunday morning.

A final conclusion could be made from all these prophetic puzzle pieces is that if Jesus arrives to redeem us on April 26 after Satan launches his Tribulation kingdom April 20, could all we invited truth believers he celebrating the Wedding Feast of the Bride in heaven on April 30?

That was the day in 1945 when Hitler committed suicide in his Berlin bunker with his wife Eva Braun, thus effectively ending World War II in Europe.

I was very close to Hitler's death site in June of 1963 when our great Air Force Wiesbaden Warriors baseball team was visiting Berlin to play and beat Berlin's U.S. army team.

I played center field that fateful day and made a great running catch to help save our victory. I later had my picture taken in front of the infamous Berlin wall separating West Berlin from Communist controlled East Berlin, a wall that came down in 1989, 26 years later.

Is all this just a coincidence?

There are NO coincidences with God.

Stay tuned for more of His developing signs and wonders.