Speaking as a proud Libertarian, what I don't see is the left acknowledging, as they sit in their MSM echo chamber whining and sniveling, gaw'd ain't it awful, while chanting their Trump's an expletive deleted mantra, that they never listen or confront reality, much less think or even acknowledge that there is another side to the story. They just bounce and recite their mantra.

My old pickup is a good example. It has a bumper sticker (mostly faded beyond recognition by now) with a red swastika, a black hammer & cycle, and text in between that reads “Politicians love gun control.”

So years ago I was pumping gas and getting the evil eye from this guy at the next island over. I smiled and gave an inquisitive expression, . . . WHAT?

Well, . . . he comes over with an accusatory tone pointing at the bumper sticker.

You believe in that?


You approve of the Nazis murdering the Jews? That's disgusting and so are you! as he turned and started walking away muttering.

HELL NO!!! But timeout, hold the phone. What does it SAY?

Indignantly, The Nazis killed millions of innocent people in WWII.

Yes, that's true and so did Stalin, but what does it say? READ the words OUT LOUD.

Begrudgingly, Politicians love gun control.

And was Hitler a politician?

Begrudgingly, Yeah.

And was Stalin a politician?

Begrudgingly, Yeah.

And was confiscating ALL the guns the very first thing they did when they took over and seized power?

Begrudgingly, Yeah.

And is Clinton (now Biden/Polis!) a politician?

Begrudgingly, Yeah.

So, politicians love gun control, don't they?

So help me, you could see the cord coming down, the wheels start to turn, smoke coming out the ears, and finally the light in his eyes coming on.

I never thought of that.

And therein lies the problem. It took those gross, vulgar and obscene images to get him to THINK! Instead of thinking or considering that there might be more or another side of the story / image, he just bounced, flipped his emotion switch, jumped to a conclusion and reacted with emotion instead of thought or reason.

He shook my hand and apologized, but he is only one of the thousands to whom it would never occur to think outside the box that their pre-conceived notions could be (OMG!) wrong. With VERY FEW exceptions, it doesn't matter whether you're right or wrong, they don't listen, they don't think, and they don't want to hear it. Faaar more likely is that the vast majority of liberals / progressives / deceitocrats would automatically just recoil in horror, call me an anti-sematic racist or worse, demonize me as yet another evil conservative, and dismiss or trivialize anything / everything I say as irrelevant because it doesn't agree with their existing mantra!

Heaven forbid you should call them on their erroneous assumptions or attempt to refute their assertions. Instead of acknowledging that your argument either may or does have merit, much less seriously discussing why it doesn't at all, their default reaction is all too often “I have a right to my opinion. You can't make me agree with that.” No one said you didn't or expressed any desire to compel you to do or agree to anything. If your position is merely your opinion, then acknowledge and label it as such rather than characterizing it as factual or automatically accurate simply by virtue of your belief. If you want your position respected and given credibility, you're going to have to justify your position rather than just rationalizing it because that's how you FEEL about your opinion.