Ever since the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve decided they wanted to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, disobeying God and giving dominion over the earth to the serpent, alias Satan, we've all wondered why there has always been so much evil on the earth and who or what is the source of that evil.

Is there a key out there we can use to unlock that knowledge?

Or, how can we defeat the wiles of the devil using the knowledge of evil and all of its manifestations to finally defeat the source of that evil and fulfill Psalm 37, its removal from the earth.

Jesus took us half way there by providing us with the propitiation for all our sins if we would just invite Him into our hearts.

But he still left the serpent, red dragon, wolf in sheep's clothing and angel of light on the earth and in the spirit world to mock us, deceive us, try to destroy us and to get us to worship him instead of our creator God.

When we look at today's chaotic world, Satan seems to be winning the battle for our minds if not our hearts.

Jesus said we can't serve two masters, that we would love one and hate the other.

As a born-again Christian for nearly 44 years now, God has given me great knowledge, insights and wisdom into how to neutralize and nullify any and all satanic attacks into my life as well as recognizing how he attacks my friends and loved ones.

On Dec. 26, 1977, when I turned my life over to Jesus and invited him into my heart, the Holy Spirit was then freed up to start teaching me all about how to separate good from evil and evil from good.

Over the past 44 years, I have used the concept the Holy Spirit taught me to thwart any and all demonic attacks on my life, and there have been too many to count.

If you can easily recognize any and all satanic manifestations and know the devil is the source of them, you can then put on the full armor of God to protect yourself defensively (Ephesians Ch. 6) while offensively you can use Jesus name to start sticking thorns into Satan's side where it hurts him the most.

Due to space limitations, here is a crash course of what I have learned and want to teach others the same concept.

God told me to look at everything around me that my five senses respond to in symbolic or parabolic terms.

Everything we respond to with our five senses has a shape, a color and a texture. If it's food, it has a taste and/or smell.

If it's capable of making a noise, it's either going to be loud or soft sounding, melodic or grating.

If it's a song, the words will either serve Satan if it's hateful and negative or God if it's soothing and praising His love for us and our love for Him.

So let's make some quick applications to see how they fit in what the Holy Spirit has taught me over the past 44 years.

1. God is symbolized by the original revolving circle. He created everything with a circular shape and always revolves those circles to come full circle in us and in his creations.

Satan is symbolized by the square. Most of the evil in today's world emanates out of an artificial reality square-shaped screen. Too many examples to mention here.

2. Colors: The Bible clearly uses colors to symbolize what is evil and what is good, what is of God and what is of the devil or his evil manifestations.

White, blue and green are obviously God's chosen colors.

Black, the color of the darkness, always symbolizes the prince of darkness.

God always uses red as his warning color -- red blood, traffic lights, the red horse of Revelation 6 and the red lips of a woman if you don't kiss the right one.

Esau was born red colored with black hair all over his body as the father of Islam as opposed to Jacob, the father of Israel. The Titanic was painted red and black. I could give you hundreds of other examples.

In next week's column, I will discuss Biblical numerology, the symbolic meaning of our 26-letter alphabet matched with their corresponding numbers and how Satan perverts and counterfeits everything God has created to deceive us with direct opposite symbolism.

That's why Jesus always taught his disciples by using symbolic parables to reveal his truths and give us clues how His kingdom will come and replace the devil's monstrosities, or the separation of the wheat from the tares.